Chipping services are intended for the support of homeowners conducting their own mitigation work around their home. It is not intended for vacant properties. Commercial Services conducting landscaping work ARE NOT ELIGIBLE for this service. Homeowners are not to submit chipping requests on behalf of a commercial operator.
Due to limited equipment and manpower, only twenty requests can be fulfilled each Friday. These will be first come, first served. You will receive a notification to reschedule if all available slots are full.
Additional options for homeowners are: annual free trash and brush removal day from Aug 19 – Oct 4 (see City website for your exact date), free brush dumping every Saturday in April at the City of Prescott’s transfer station, an additional can from the city for $11 per month, and pay-for-disposal is always available at the transfer station.
Neighborhoods wishing to conduct community mitigation events can have chipping completed on days other than Friday. A representative must coordinate their neighborhood’s request with the Wildfire Risk Manager two months in advance.
Defensible space is the area between a house and an oncoming wildfire where the vegetation has been modified to reduce the wildfire threat and to provide an opportunity for firefighters to effectively defend the house. The ever-present danger of fire in the Southwest is always a concern. People realize the importance of providing defensible space for the protection of their home. The City of Prescott Forestry Crew has trained personnel to assist the homeowner with brush disposal once the homeowner has provided defensible space. The City of Prescott Forestry Crew provides curbside chipping services every Friday. Homeowners can submit a request for these services by completing the Brush Chipping Request form.
The following is a list of DO’s and DON’T’s in preparation for the City of Prescott Chipping Service.
Failure to adhere to the rules regarding this chipping service will result in cancellation of the work request and the address will be denied further chipping requests for one year from time of violation of the agreement.
For questions or concerns, use the “Comment or Message” box on the Brush Chipping Request form to request phone contact. Thank you for your support in making the Prescott Basin a safer place to live.
201 N. Montezuma Street, Ste. 216 | Prescott, AZ 86301