Create Emergency Plans for a variety of situations from
A list of Home Fire Escape Plans can be found on The U.S. Fire Administration’s website. Create a plan to use in case of fire and other emergencies.
Stay in touch if you get separated from family, friends, and household members. Create an Emergency Communications Plan from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
Your supply kit should be ready to go in your home, office, and car. These are sites with tips on how to create one that fits your needs.
Periodically, Yavapai County Emergency Operations Center offers a hands-on course for the community called “When Disaster Strikes: Prepare, Act, Survive.” This course prepares individuals directly affected by a disaster to help themselves, their families, and other community members. Participants will learn how to develop a family preparedness plan, practice self-rescue, perform search and light rescue techniques, and understand recovery.
The Yavapai County Office of Emergency Management is a division of Public Works. Yavapai County Office of Emergency Management’s primary responsibilities are supporting the safety of our citizens and visitors, protecting infrastructure, and our environmental and cultural resources. The office is a key partner of the City of Prescott’s own emergency planning resources and integrates seamlessly in cases of large-scale incidents. Several valuable resources can be found at their website.
The following resources have been provided for references to enhance emergency preparedness. It is important to note that these materials offer general guidance and may not cover all individual circumstances or all emergencies. Citizens are encouraged to carefully review and evaluate the information provided, considering their unique needs, family dynamics, and environmental factors:
201 N. Montezuma Street, Ste. 216 | Prescott, AZ 86301